Thursday, October 31, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Homeland Security - Essay Example Osama encouraged the jihadist in Afghanistan to continue raging war towards United States and weakened it. The strategy was to encourage the people to rise against rulers he considered oppressive, as the USA would be weak and unable to support the rulers in the case of a revolt. Osama bin Laden considered the Arab spring as a formidable event due to the magnitude and momentum the event had gained and ousting of several rulers in Northern Africa. Osama bin Laden had no firm grip control over most regional Jihadist groups at the time of his death. He even wrote to the group’s pleading with them to change their tack ticks and avoid the senseless killing of Muslim brothers. The jihadist groups only swore allegiance to al-Qa`ida but were independent in the decisions made and the chain of command. Al-Qa`ida only provided training fields in Afghanistan but once the Jihadist left the camp they were at liberty with decision making and to act in any manner they like2. Donald Taylor and Michael King in their study describe radicalization process using five radicalization models but focus on three common traits in all the models. The three are important to their study as they relate directly to the main reason there are homegrown jihadists. These traits are the state of being in deprivation, personal characterizes that relate more to Jihadists ideology and personal struggle to find an identity. King and Taylor warn against using strategies and models that have not been validated can be counterproductive and because of the individuals feeling victimized. The two warn that most of these models were developed after 9/11 and are based ON social-psychological processes alone. The position adopted by many Jihadists is amendable since it mainly focuses n social issues and propaganda that can be counteracted. The narrative is also subject to empirical research in order to understand the main reason people join Jihadist movements. There is more to it than what meets the eye,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The effects of poverty on the educational system of children Research Paper

The effects of poverty on the educational system of children - Research Paper Example The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Legislation of 2001 was signed into law to bridge the gap between what President Bush called, â€Å"the haves and have nots† (Hess and Rotherham, 2007, para. 10). The focus of the Act became the â€Å"have nots† which were minority students. Many of these children live in poverty and go to schools in impoverished areas (Wolk, 2011). Most states interpreted this Act as saying that there must be standardized tested on specific curriculum. Each year, millions of children in elementary and high school must take the tests and pass them in order to show that they have achieved the specific scores that teach state has decided upon. Unfortunately, a child who is hungry and who lives in difficult situations that can include violence in the home, malnutrition, neglect and homeless (Aldridge & Goldman, 2007) is still being left behind. Demographics of Poverty in Education In the early 20th Century, the number of children who were living in poverty was lower than it is today. As an example statistics from the U.S. Department of Education show that between the years 2007 and 2009 (most recent statistics) the incidence of children living in poverty rose to 19%; In 2000, this statistic was only 15% (Avd et al., 2001). In 2010, the poverty rate for children rose to 22% which meant that one in five children under the age of 18 is living in poverty in America (Censky, 2011). The poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites was the lowest in 2010 at 9.9%. Blacks had the highest rate for poverty at 27.4% and other Hispanics were at a poverty rate of 26.6%. Men and women also faired differently. For men, about 14% were below the poverty line and single fathers were at a 15.8% poverty rate. Women were at a 16.2% poverty rate, but single mothers had a 31.6% poverty rate (Censky, 2011). In today’s economy, when so many families have lost their jobs and their homes , there are many reasons why there is a rise in these statistics. In the past, it was possible that certain situations produced poverty and the families in poverty were concentrated in certain racial backgrounds. Today, any family of any racial group can find themselves in poverty. In fact, â€Å"about 46.2 million people are now considered in poverty, 2.6 million more than last year† (Censky, 2011, para. 4). According to Aldrige & Goldman (2007), every region and every type of family can find themselves in poverty. This means that family circumstances can change at any time, putting children more at risk. Defining Poverty as it Relates to Education Jensen (2009) defines poverty as â€Å"a chronic and debilitating condition that results form multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and affects the mind, body, and soul† (p. 6). Jensen (2009) also identifies six types of poverty: Situational poverty that happens because of a crisis, or loss. This type of poverty is usua lly temporary. The events could be â€Å"environmental, disasters, divorce, or severe heath problems† (Jensen, 2009, p. 6). Generational poverty where more than one generation is born into this situation and family members do not have the tools to move out of poverty. In other words, this is all their family has ever seen or known. Absolute poverty were the basic needs of food and shelter are not available (rare in the United States according to Jensen, 2009). Relative poverty exists when a family’s economic situation does not meet the standard of living that the rest of the society experiences. Urban poverty happens in cities of 50,000+ people

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Musical Psychotherapy: History, Effects, and Applications

Musical Psychotherapy: History, Effects, and Applications Samah El Saadi Abstract We all enjoy music as a form of art but we rarely take into consideration the effect of the music that we listen to. Music therapy is using music in a therapeutic manner in order to recover or stabilize a mental, physical or psychological state. This review will introduce music therapy and trace its origins back in history, and then it will give an insight on music related neurosciences explaining what parts of the brain and neurotransmitters are involved. Music can affect us on many different levels; however, this review will focus on the ability of music to aid in psychotherapy. It is important to highlight that the potential power within music can be either constructive or destructive depending on the choice of music. Musical Psychotherapy What is music therapy and what are the origins? Everyone sees music as a form of art that they enjoy playing or dancing on its rhythms as they tend to develop a preference to certain type of rhythms. However, seldom do people think of the impact of music on their health although through their experiences with music they would know that their favorite type of music can make them feel relaxed, happy or even anxious. But have you ever considered music as a form of therapy? Research showed that music does have an effect on our health and it can be either positive or negative depending on the music, yet these effects are mediated through psychology and neurosciences (News in Health [NIH], 2010). Music therapy is applying music as a tool in order to improve, stabilize or restore an emotional, mental, or physical health. It is conducted by accredited music therapists who are able to skillfully use music and music elements in assessing patients, developing treatment plans, evaluating progresses and contribute in research (Music Therapy Association [MTAO], 2010). Music therapists plan music sessions for individuals or groups and may use active or passive approaches in the therapy depending on the patients’ need. The therapy may include listening to music, making music, talking about the lyrics or even writing songs, but definitely it is not restricted to people with musical abilities. Since music is accessible everywhere, music therapy is not limited to a place and sessions can be arranged at homes, hospitals, hospices, care centers or any calm place people may prefer (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2008). The nonverbal emotional entity of music makes it a universal langu age that can ease the self-expression, personal development and social interactions which would aid in psychotherapy. Music can always have a positive impact on people whether they are ill, disabled or perfectly healthy (MTAO, 2010). The principle of therapeutic use of music is not new, ancient cultures were aware of music power which for some was part of their traditional healing practices such as the case of Native Americans (ACS, 2008). The musical power of healing was marked in different ethnic ancient inscriptions like that of Rome, India, China and Egypt (Music as Medicine, 2014), as it was mentioned in the writings of Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato (ACS, 2008). However the modern music therapy dates back to World War II when music was used to help in the treatment of soldiers who were suffering from shell shock, and it was in 1944 when Michigan State University initiated the first degree program in music therapy (ACS, 2008). Music related neurosciences For many years research was ongoing to understand the means of action of music and why it does have this strong impact on our lives. Since the impact is mediated neurologically, scientists intensively investigated the brain regions and with the help of the emerging imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) they noticed that it activates unexpected regions involved in emotions and memory, in addition to the brain’s motor regions that are responsible for coordinating physical movements. The neuroscientist Dr. Petr Janata in his recent studies proved that the area of the brain serving as a central hub between music, emotions and memories is the medial prefrontal cortex. In an attempt to understand the medial prefrontal cortex activity, young adults were subjected to extracts of childhood songs while being monitored with fMRI and it was noticed that the activity was optimal when they heard a familiar song that call to mind an emotion or memory (NIH, 2 010). Dr. Janata stated that in Alzheimer patients the medial prefrontal cortex is one of the last brain regions to deteriorate, hence this explains why patients with Alzheimer may recall childhood tunes whereas other memories are lost. In further investigation on the medial prefrontal cortex activity, Dr. Allen Braun and Dr. Charles Limb monitored via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner the medial prefrontal cortex in a jazz musician as he played his music. The doctors noticed that the region was not active when the musician played a memorized tune; however, it became active when the musician was improvising concluding that the medial prefrontal cortex also has a role in the creative expression of music (NIH, 2010). Going deeper into the music impact on the neurological level, an experiment was done to check the neurotransmitters involved and the time of their release. Via the ligand-based positron emission tomography (PET) scientists discovered that music triggers dopamine release in both the dorsal and ventral striatum. Nevertheless, this discovery was not surprising since dopamine is known to be responsible for the pleasure sensation whether due to sex, drugs or just music. But the more interesting discovery was the monitoring of the increase in dopaminergic voxels in the right nucleus accumbens (NAcc) preceding a favorite part and peaking when the favorite part was reached. The phase of increased dopaminergic voxels prior to the favorite part was termed Anticipatory phase, as depicted in the figure 1, and it prepares us for the subsequent musical part that we love and will cause the dopamine peek giving us the pleasure sensation (Salimpoor et al, 2011). To have a better understanding, scientists took a closer look on the music itself. Early theories about music argued that we get affected by music through the connotative meanings and mental images that it reflects; however, according to the musicologist Leonard Meyer it is the ambiguity and not knowing what the next note will be is what keeps us waiting in excitement. Repetitive expected patterns in music is boring and can be annoying like an alarm clock, hence it is the unpredictable patterns that give us the chills. Meyer stated that the uncertainty is what triggers the release of dopamine as we try to figure out what the next note is. We may be able to predict some of the notes but not all of them and that is what cause our brains to plead for those notes that will unleash the uncertainty and completes the pattern, yet these notes are usually spared till the end to keep us listening (WIRED, 2011). Music therapy in clinical trials Now that we had an insight on the neuroscience that relies behind the effects of music, we should note that music has effects on both physical level and psychological level. Some of the physical effects are enhancing immunity, decreasing anxiety, and altering the blood pressure and heart rate (NIH, 2010), whereas at the psychological level music has the power to alter our mood and aid in psychotherapy. In this review we will be focusing on the psychological effects and its role in psychotherapy. Several clinical trials have been conducted in order to ensure the effectiveness of music therapy. In a clinical trial 46 patients diagnosed with depression were randomly separated into two groups. Group 1 was subjected to the standard care that includes antidepressant medication, psychotherapy and psychiatric counseling, whereas group 2 underwent 60 min music therapy sessions in addition to the standard care. The patients were assessed after 3 months and results showed that people who received music-therapy had less depressive symptoms from those who didn’t. Professor Christian Gold, one of the two study leaders, said: Music therapy has specific qualities that allow people to express themselves and interact in a non-verbal way even in situations when they cannot find the words to describe their inner experiences.† (Erkkilà ¤ et al, 2011). Another similar clinical trial that was done on 79 patients with low- and medium-grade depression revealed results that reinforces the ones that were retrieved by the first clinical trial mentioned here (Castillo-Perez et al, 2010). In a clinical trial on 80 schizophrenic patients, 42 patient where assigned to do music therapy for 60 minutes twice a week while 38 other patients were assigned to undergo standard care. After 3-month follow-up the results indicated improvement in the depression status and psychiatric symptoms of the patients (Lu et al, 2013). It is important to note that there is dose-effect relationship in music therapy by which more recurrent sessions would result in more considerable improvements (Gold et al, 2009). Can music be destructive? The power of music is just like any other power that can be either constructive or destructive depending on the usage. Nice music can lift you up and motivate you, but on the contrary sad or violent music can be destructive. In a study published in 2003 by the American Psychological Association (APA), researchers from Iowa State University examined the effect of violent lyrics by which they made students listen to seven violent songs and 8 nonviolent songs being sung by the same artist and using the same musical style in order to control the other factors, and then they were assessed for their aggressive thoughts and feelings through psychological tasks. The results showed an increase in the aggressive interpretations where Dr. Anderson, a lead researcher, stated that violent and aggressive music makes people biased toward aggressive interpretations, and this form of interpretations will eventually manifest in aggressive verbal and physical expressions and antisocialism (APA, 2003). What complicate things more is the fact that classification of music as beneficial or destructive can be subjective. In an investigative study 80 people were played the same songs but prior that some of them were told that the music is suicide-inducing and others were told the music is life-affirming. The study shows that depending on the prior labeling of the music the same songs were perceived by listeners as either suicide-inducing or life-affirming, thus it is the censorship and prior labeling that might give songs their harmful effects on listeners (North Hargreaves, 2005). As some people argued by saying that negative music gives them sensation of relief due to knowing that someone else felt in a particular way but was able to recover and be creative enough to express their emotions in such a way, hence for them it is perceived as a form of hope if they were in a similar situation (Baker Brown, 2014). Music therapy today and its other potential powers Nowadays degrees in music therapy are becoming more available worldwide as people are becoming more aware of the therapeutic role of music whether it is physical, mental or psychological. There are a lot more potential powers in music yet to be discovered such as its role when played in businesses and retails stores and how it can affect the customers’ behavior (Yalch, 1993), its effect on fetuses by which some claim that the choice of music of the pregnant women will affect their children later on (Kisilevsky et al, 2004), and how effectively does music help hospitalized patients in recoveries and in lessening their pain (ACS, 2008). Music is an entertaining form of art that is easily accessible to everyone and flexible enough to satisfy different tastes; these characteristics makes music a potential power that if people knew how to utilize it correctly, they would be seeking a better state of a harmonic life. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Scott Sorrell 12/11/13 Soc 221 – Social Problems Dusty Myers Homosexuality and Society George Bernard Shaw said the following when discussing how marriage brings two people together "under the influence of the most violent, most insane, most delusive, and most transient of passions. They are required to swear that they will remain in that excited, abnormal, and exhausting condition continuously until death do them part." Marriage is hard, and it is something people have to work at. However, society in recent years has begun to strongly dictate who can, and who cannot be joined in matrimony. Gay marriage has become the hot topic. It is a fact that humans have been engaging in homosexuality activity for centuries. China, India, Japan, and all over Europe homosexuality has been occurring. It was not until Christianity and organized religion did it become as big of an issue. It has become a more pressing issue now because people have begun fighting for equal rights. Society will ask â€Å"should homosexual marriage be legalized?†, however, the contradictory outlook is â€Å"why should society be able to dictate what two adults choose to do?† If two people decide to participate in traditional marriage, no one cares. No one calls the papers. No one protests. No one commits hate crimes. It is assumed that they are two people who are in love, and feel warmth for one another. How could those feeling ever be wrong? But when this case is changed to a nontraditional marriage between a man and another man, or a woman and another woman, a large portion of society has many objections. They feel that it is their responsibility to make their objections heard. They decided then that they care. They call the papers, they protest and they commit hate crime... .... However, the argument has been made that two people in a homosexual relationship should not have children, because it will corrupt those kids. But, there has been many studies done that show kids that grow up in same sex households have no adverse effects. They are loved the same. They do just as well in school. They contribute to society just the same. The studies that show otherwise, have all been proven to have flawed results, or have been adjusted to support a specific viewpoint. Love is love, which is all children need to grow. For me, as an openly bisexual male, and someone who was very religious at one point in my life, I feel that I have a unique perspective. I feel that it is my right as a human being to love who I choose to love. It is my right as a human being to pursue a sexual relationship with who I want. No other person should have a say in that.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Character and Fate Essay

In the book â€Å"The Mayor of Casterbridge† written by Thomas Hardy, the character Michael Henchard experiences a dramatic rise to grace and even more dramatic fall from it. He tries to demonstrate how fateful coincidences, character, and temperament act together in life to determine the outcome of a person’s life. Fate plays a very important part in â€Å"The Mayor of Casterbridge†. Thomas Hardy uses the plot of the novel relies on number of coincidences. The key initial event in the novel is the arrival of Newson at the furmity tent as Henchard sells his wife. Farfrae â€Å"who might possibly have passed by without stopping† arrives in Casterbridge, just as Henchard is being criticized for the quality of his corn. Henchard brings his fate upon himself for after much persuasion he convinces Farfrae to stay and employs him which is an ironic twist of fate as one day it will be Farfrae who employs Henchard. Henchard, as a magistrate, is in the court on the day when the furmity woman is on trial. This event like so many others is a fateful coincidence that changes Henchard’s life forever. The cruel timings of fate occur many times throughout the novel, right up to the closing chapter when Elizabeth-Jane goes to see Henchard half an hour after he has died. Even the weather seems to be fatefully against Henchard. Henchard’s plans for the holiday are ruined by rain. Henchard jealous of Farfrae decides to ruin him financially. Henchard is not thinking clearly based on weather prophet’s predictions for rain and encouraged by Jopp, he buys all the grain in Casterbridge. Unfortunately for him, the weather improves and the grain prices fall. As a result, Henchard is ruined by fate and his own foolishness. The weather in contrast aids Farfrae who makes lot of money where Hardy mentions â€Å"Meanwhile Donald Farfrae prospered†¦..a large heap of gold, where a little one had been†. Here, Hardy tries to demonstrate the fate and character both acts together against Henchard which results his downfall. However, Hardy also tries to emphasize that it is not just fate that causes  his downfall. It’s also because of his character and temperament which lead to his downfall. From the first chapter Henchard’s rashness and impulsive character is visible throughout the whole book. He behaves impulsively when he sells his wife, when he dismisses Jopp and misbehave Abel Whittle. Hardy portrays him as a victim of impulsivity. He is man who is ruled by feelings, not thought and he acts on emotions. Hardy also characterize Henchard as a person who possesses very bad judgment and has a tendency to make the wrong decision, for example believing in Farfrae or selling his wife. The decisions he makes are normally spontaneous and irresponsible. Hardy also characterizes Henchard as a short-tempered person which is one of his character responsible for his own downfall. This temper causes him to overreact and lose control. Hardy writes â€Å"cried Henchard in a savage undertone†. This temper initiate Jopp into seeking revenge against Henchard. Henchard describes his trade with Farfrae as â€Å"a tussle of fair buying and selling.† When he loses his temper because Farfrae’s business is succeeding, whereas Henchard’s is declining, Henchard then says, we’ll â€Å"grind him into the ground – starve him out †¦ snuff him out†. Henchard is also very determined and proud man. It is because of this that he refuses to take a room in Farfrae’s house or to claim back his furniture. In many ways he is almost too proud which makes his own downfall seem much worse to him. Clearly, these characteristics contributed to his downfall. When things are going wrong for Henchard he does not act, he accepts the situations silently, at that time Hardy writes â€Å"I am to suffer I perceive†. Even if he had a good character, his ill luck could led to his destruction. If he had a different character, fate might still worked against him. Hardy tries to say that what happens has to happen because of fate and no one can stop that. He writes â€Å"Susan, Farfrae, Lucetta, Elizabeth–all had gone from him, one after one, either by his fault or by his misfortune†. Although, through out the novel, Thomas Hardy demonstrates the life of man who is suffered by his ill fate and character, he also portrays the life of  self-made man who rose from hay trusser to mayor. Despite his many faults, he must does have some admirable qualities. Henchard stay away from alcohol for twenty-one years as a form of self-punishment. When he became bankrupt, he face his creditors instead of ran away from them. Here one of his creditor remarks â€Å"I have never met a debtor who behaved more fairly†. When Henchard’s life crashes around him he accepts the situation and returns to being a simple hay-trusser. This is a very admirable attitude. Examples throughout the book also show Henchard to be gentle, courageous, hardworking, kind and fair but in many cases a very unlucky man. Finally, it is a fine distinction between fate and character and they are very often intertwined. Fate and character coexist in the novel. They are dependent on each other. It is a combination of character and destiny that cause Henchard’s downfall. After twenty-one years Henchard walks back along the same path he travelled many years before. Still alone and with nothing to show for all his pain and suffering. He makes mistakes but experiences great suffering as a result. He dies a lonely isolated man, a warning to us all, of defect in character and ill-fate.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Heart of Darkness: the Ultimate Choice of Man

The Heart of Darkness: The Ultimate Choice of Man A single word holds the potential to have multiple connotations. Stringing these subjective words into a novel may have a catastrophic effect on the readers. However, a story’s ability to comprise of several different interpretations provides deeper insight and depth. In Joseph Conrad’s novel, The Heart of Darkness, there are various viewpoints one may take throughout the main character Marlow’s journey.But Conrad’s artful use of dualistic symbolism is arguably the most crucial because it highlights the underlying theme, which stresses the dual nature of man and his choice to control his actions. During the entirety of the book, dualism is constantly utilized to contrast separate entities, such as wilderness and civilization. Some may argue the two are merely classifications of environments but in actuality, they represent the effect that order or lack of can have on people. Civilizations consist of laws an d rules to uphold man’s morals to ensure a working and efficient society.But as mentioned in the novel, Marlow says, â€Å"And [London] also†¦has been one of the dark place of the earth†¦I was thinking of very old times, when the Romans first came here†¦Oh yes – [they] did it. Did it very well, too, no doubt and without thinking much about it either, except afterwards to brag of what he had gone through in his time, perhaps. They were men enough to face the darkness†(67-69). London, a symbol of enlightenment, is also once a â€Å"dark place of the earth† until Romans force civilization upon the land. The city is an example stressing how civilization is a learned habit and is not an innate characteristic of humanity.To maintain a stable and harmonious community, it appears necessary to establish a code of ethics to enforce stability on its people. But if defined in this sense, imperialism is clearly a hypocritical attempt to justify exploita tions of the indigenous and primitive states of man and nature alike. The Company in The Heart of Darkness insists it will colonize the people, but this reasoning is extremely ironic because the damage that the jungle has on the white man’s soul exceeds the physical pain of the black men’s toil.Near the beginning of the trip, Marlow distinguishes the feeling of the jungle and says, â€Å"In some inland post feel the savagery, the utter savagery, had close round him – all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men†¦ He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable. And it has a fascination, too, that goes to work upon him†(69). Even if the wilderness is constantly described as dark and savage, it holds a fascination upon civilized men.This is partly due to the incomprehensibility of the wilderness that imposes itself as an ominous, omnipotent force testing one ’s ability to hold onto sanity. Once people enter the wild, their primitive impulses are revealed since they are free to do as they desire without fear of consequence. The jungle is referred to as â€Å"the heart of darkness† not because it unleashes the evil of civilized men, but because it mirrors the darkness already apparent in every being. As Marlow progresses deeper into the jungle, he says, â€Å"The earth seemed unearthly.We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there – there you could look at a thing monstrous and free. It was unearthly, and the men were – No, they were not inhuman†¦but if you were man enough you would admit to yourself that there was in you just the faintest trace of a response to the terrible frankness†¦ Principles won’t do. Acquisitions, clothes, pretty rags – rages that would fly off at the first good shake. No; you want a deliberate belief†(108-109). Society may restrain savage tendencies, yet it cannot eliminate them.Primeval tendencies are always lurking, and the superficial morals of civilization are much more unstable than it seems at first glance. The acquisitions and material possessions mentioned are considered to be valuable requirements to live an accomplished and successful life. Greed fuels the expedition and it is what overcame Kurtz, who represents what man can become if left solely to his inner desires. On the other hand, Marlow is a civilized soul who is left mostly unscathed by the darkness. In the lawlessness of the wilderness, it is up to the individual to either abide to his morals or sacrifice his soul to the darkness.When men are confronted with the boundless opportunities for sin in the wilderness, they can choose to restrain their internal greed or to accede to their temptations. Conrad uses these two intangible contrasts to stress that man does indeed have a choice in his actions. Even the â€Å"savage† me n who are natives of the jungle are primary examples of restraint in the novel. During the expedition, Marlow characterizes the natives and says, â€Å"Yes; I looked at [the natives] as you would on any human being with a curiosity of their impulses, motives, capacities, weaknesses, when brought to the test of an inexorable physical necessity.Restraint! What possible restraint? â€Å"(116). Desires and impulses of humanity can often fuel their ambitions. At the same time, desires can bring ruin to a man because they may compel him to commit treacherous and evil deeds. However, they cannot be an excuse for man to brush aside his wrongdoings for they do not force him to make any actions. A person’s actions must be judged accordingly, regardless of his or her intended motives or societal status. One’s lack of restraint is exemplified when Marlow says, â€Å"[The helmsman] had no restraint, no restraint-just like Kurtz-a tree swayed by the wind†(129).Before, the h elmsman is a native of the Congo, but he becomes accustomed to the white man’s ways after accompanying the sailors on their journey. The native men of the Congo are both physically and mentally stronger because they are not enticed by material temptations. Association with proud civilized men causes the helmsman to be careless, leading to his untimely death. Instead of upholding his original ideals, the man’s absence of self-control indicates his newfound weakness.Kurtz, a man of great power and wealth, is ironically the ultimate representation of a man blinded by temptation, which deteriorates his willpower and produces a weak and unstable mentality. In his final moments, Kurtz cries out, â€Å"The horror! The horror†(154). These final words are Kurtz’s recognition of the â€Å"horrors† he has committed by allowing temptation to overtake him. In Kurtz’s situation, temptation triumphs and concludes in his death, basically suggesting that suc cumbing to one’s temptations results in the ultimate punishment.Restraint and temptation are dualities implying that everyone possesses a good and evil nature, but the choice to uncover the restraint required to preserve humanity is ultimately left to the discretion of each person. Both wilderness and civilization along with temptation and restraint comparisons symbolize the good and bad within human nature, which is exemplified the most generally by portrayal of light and dark. Conrad twists the usual denotation of light and its common interpretations because light often portrays ignorance and narrow-mindedness in the novel.The dark is ever present in the jungle; hence the title The Heart of Darkness, but it is also strongly characterized by Kurtz. One of the descriptions of Kurtz says, â€Å"The point in his being a gifted creature, and that all his gifts the one that stood out pre-eminently, that carried with it a sense of real presence, was his ability to talk, his words –the gift of expression, the bewildering, the illuminating, the most exalted and the most contemptible, the pulsating stream of light, or the deceitful flow from the heart of an impenetrable darkness†(124).During this specific moment, light is symbolized as a force used to enlighten, while darkness represents the â€Å"impenetrable† evil. Again, it is ironic that the two are juxtaposed together because Conrad clearly states the light cannot pierce the dark, yet Kurtz is evidently a man who wields the power to speak truth and wisdom. Although Kurtz is a man who embodies the darkness of the jungle, he affirms the understanding that all humans have good and evil coexisting within them. Conrad’s abandonment of the traditional connotation of light is noted when Marlow says, â€Å"I know that the sunlight can be made to lie too†¦ â€Å"(151).Surprisingly, the light which is previously portrayed as truth has evolved into the complete opposite. Since his co ntradiction blurs the line between good and evil, Marlow loses the confidence in his previous ability to judge between the two. As a result, both Marlow and the readers realize that nothing and no one can be totally good or evil, and there are no restrictions to which the concept applies to. Perhaps the most controversial statement about light and dark is when Marlow notices a work of art and says, â€Å"Then I noticed a small sketch in oils, on a panel, representing a woman, draped and blind-folded, carrying a lighted torch.The background was somber–almost black. The movement of the woman was stately, and the effect of the torchlight on the face was sinister†(94). The painting can have a multitude of meanings, ranging from the hypocrisy of imperialism, to the unwillingness of any individual to admit his or her wrongs. Many are quick to endorse the wrongs and flaws of others but refuse to defer to their own, as portrayed by the blindfold of the woman.This is the reason why a majority of people live in a false reality of a black and a white perspective on the world, in which there are only two outcomes to a situation. If everyone could concede to an understanding that all entities have a balance between one another, light and dark would be totally different concepts than what they are today. The three major dualities all contribute to highlight Conrad’s fundamental theme, which asserts that all men are composed of both good and evil and have the choice to maintain an optimal balance.Marlow and Kurtz are not as different as they once appeared in the beginning of the book. Each character struggles with the temptation of the darkness, but only Kurtz is totally consumed. The two characters embody two common choices that occur in reality; to either find a balance between good and evil or to be pushed into the extremity of one side. However, it is important to acknowledge that one entity cannot exist without the other, and in the end, only the in dividual can control his or her fate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modal Verbs Quiz with Answer Explanations

Modal Verbs Quiz with Answer Explanations This quiz asks you to match each sentence about Jack to its explanation. Reach each sentence and read the possible meanings until you find a sentence that expresses the main idea. Match the following statements with the meaning below.   Jack could get to work earlier.Jack must get to work earlier.Jack should get to work earlier.Jack needs to get to work earlier.Jack might get to work earlier.Jack has to get to work earlier.Jack couldnt get to work earlier.Jack doesnt have to get to work earlier.Jack mustnt get to work earlier.Jack shouldnt get to work earlier. Its absolutely necessary for Jack to get to work earlier.Its possible for Jack to get to work earlier.Jacks unable to get to work earlier.It isnt necessary for Jack to get to work earlier.Its forbidden for Jack to get to work earlier.Its important for Jack to get to work earlier.Its a good idea for Jack to get to work earlier.Its absolutely necessary for Jack to get to work earlier and someone forces him to do so.Its a good idea for Jack to get to work earlier.It isnt a good idea for Jack to get to work earlier.Its a possibility that Jack might get to work earlier. Modal Verb Quiz Answers with Explanations 1. Jack could get to work earlier. Answer:  Its possible for Jack to get to work earlier. 2. Jack must get to work earlier. Answer:  Its absolutely necessary for Jack to get to work earlier. 3. Jack should get to work earlier. Answer:  Its a good idea for Jack to get to work earlier. 4. Jack needs to get to work earlier. Answer:  Its important for Jack to get to work earlier. 5. Jack might get to work earlier. Answer:  Its a possibility that Jack might get to work earlier. 6. Jack has to get to work earlier. Answer:  Its absolutely necessary for Jack to get to work earlier and someone forces him to do so. 7. Jack couldnt get to work earlier. Answer:  Jacks unable to get to work earlier. 8. Jack doesnt have to get to work earlier. Answer:  It isnt necessary for Jack to get to work earlier. 9. Jack mustnt get to work earlier. Answer:  Its forbidden for Jack to get to work earlier. 10. Jack shouldnt get to work earlier. Answer:  It isnt a good idea for Jack to get to work earlier. Did you have a hard time understanding? Here is a quick guide to  basic modal verb usage. Learn more about modals with this discussion about modal verbs of probability.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Business Casual for Women

The Ultimate Guide to Business Casual for Women SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What does a "business casual" dress code even mean for women? Why is it so poorly defined yet so strictly enforced in certain offices? This article will unravel how to dress business casual for women so you can easily select appropriate outfits for the workplace that also suit your personal style. Introduction â€Å"Business casual† is a fairly straightforward dress code for men. You can wear khakis or some other non-jean pant, a button-down shirt, and maybe a sport coat. Pair it with loafers or a similar dress shoe, and you’re done. Business casual for women is a another story. While some women also reach for button-downs and khakis, for many (myself included), button-downs rarely fit well off the rack, and khakis don’t look as nice as darker slacks or a skirt. To fit the business casual dress code for women, you need an outfit that’s not a boring suit or something super fashion-forward and distracting. Since women’s fashion has so many more cuts, styles, and colors than men’s, the average woman has to sift through a daunting number of choices when shopping. Plus, women are scrutinized much more closely for their fashion choices. This has lead to confusion over what women’s business casual fashion is and how to achieve it. This article breaks down what business casual means, gives concrete outfit suggestions, and lists places to shop at a range of price points. Who Is This Guide For? What Is It Designed to Do? This guide is designed to help women put together BC outfits for a new job where they're not yet familiar with the company or its dress code beyond the fact that they're expected to dress â€Å"business casual.† The goal is to make your shopping trips more efficient and productive and help you pick out a few no-fail outfits that are undeniably business casual and professional. We’re also mainly operating in the context of industries that are likely to require a stricter dress code- business, teaching, finance, law. If you’re in a more creative field or a tech environment where you’re not public facing, business casual is likely to lean more toward â€Å"casual.† The outfits in this article may be a touch too formal for your situation. The idea is these outfits will hopefully be formal enough for any workplace (they won’t be too far on the casual side of business casual), and once you get settled in you can grow your wardrobe based on your company’s/workplace’s take on business casual. It’s safer to look slightly too formal than too casual, especially during your first week of work. Also, keep in mind there are cultural differences. Between the US and Japan, for example, the expectations are different. Women can get away with more playful and short dresses and skirts in Japan, but tops in general have to be much more conservative. Just within the US, San Francisco offices tend to be much less formal than NY ones. Because of that, we've chosen to lean towards relatively conservative choices, but we’ll show a range of styles so you can adapt your outfits to your particular location. Re: Dress Codes and Sexism Another point that needs to be addressed before I get into the guide is the fact that women’s dress codes are often unfair and even sexist. There has thankfully been a lot of discussion and activism on this point recently when it comes to school dress codes. However, there hasn’t been as much discussion about this in the workplace, and many guides online to women’s business casual range from condescending at best (don’t dress like you’re hitting the club!) to sexist at worst (weird preoccupation with necklines, lingerie, and pantyhose). I don’t want this to be one of those guides that lists the obvious in a very demeaning way. At the same time, the outfits we have chosen err on the more conservative side of things in the hopes they will work for a variety of workplaces during the first week, whether you’re in a very traditional office or a more casual one. I think it’s unfair that in many cases women have to spend much more time agonizing over wardrobe choices, and I’m hoping this guide takes some of that pressure off. Once you get to know your workplace, you can start wearing things closer to your own style that are still professional and fall under the business casual umbrella. Who I Am You might be thinking, â€Å"who is this person, and what makes her an expert on the business casual dress code, or workplaces in general?† Well, let’s clarify this right away: I’m NOT an expert. I’m a recent college graduate who has worked or interned in a handful of industries (commercial real estate, banking, education, public relations) both during and after college, primarily in Massachusetts. As a visual artist myself, I enjoy and appreciate fashion, but I fall more on the grunge/overly quirky side of things in my daily life. Business casual dress codes are always difficult for me because I feel like I’m spending money on clothes that are no fun. (I can’t wear crop tops fashioned from oversized thrift store t-shirts? I QUIT.) I've struggled with putting together outfits that adhered to each workplace’s rules, were professional, and fit my budget. This guide started out as my own personal quest to see if I could research a no-fail business-casual outfit that didn’t bore me to tears. I was frustrated at the dearth of helpful resources and realized that if I wanted such a guide, I would have to write one myself. Hopefully this guide will be helpful to anyone trying to put together a business casual wardrobe, but I don't intend for any of this to be definitive, end-all be-all advice. Evidence of me rejecting business casual fashion for weirder fare. (Sam Lindsay/All rights reserved) Who I Am Not Now that you know who I am, let me give you a bit of a disclaimer about who I'm not. #1: A professional stylist/fashion blogger- I did have a short-lived fashion blog in college, but it fizzled out when I got busy with other things. I like to think that I have good fashion sense, but I’m by no means an official â€Å"expert†. This guide is designed to be more utilitarian than anything else! #2: Someone with extensive experience in a single industry- I’m not someone who could talk in detail about how business casual applies to a range of law firms, for example, or the difference between working for a start-up or a job at Apple. #3: Your parents/your boss/your teacher/your counselor- Essentially, I obviously don’t have any authority over you! Which means you should take this advice as advice you are getting from a friend. Take the stuff that is helpful to you, leave or ignore the stuff you think is bullshit. Everyone's situation is going to be a little bit different. What Is Business Casual? Before we get into the good stuff, it’s important to understand what business casual is and how it affects dress codes and expectations at work. Business casual started in the 1990s as an outgrowth of â€Å"casual Fridays,† which was adopted in previous decades as a free perk companies could offer to employees to make their offices seem less soul-sucking. The grown of business casual dress codes in white-collar office jobs was spurred on by a combination of the success of Silicon Valley companies and their casually dressed executives, clever marketing by the Dockers brand, and a push toward more comfortable clothing in general during the late twentieth century. From the beginning of business casual, it was always clearly defined for men: replace your suit and tie with khakis or jeans, a button down, and loafers. Maybe add a sweater. You’re done! But for women (for whom workplace dressing has always been tricky!), a business casual dress code was never clearly articulated. It doesn’t help that these days, each workplace has its own spin on business casual. Business casual lies at the intersection between professional and functional. Companies switched to â€Å"business casual† instead of â€Å"casual† for a reason. They want everyone to look professional without requiring a full suit-and-tie combo every day. â€Å"Business casual† doesn’t mean â€Å"we don’t care what you look like.† It means â€Å"we want you to look professional, but we get that dry-cleaning is expensive and wearing suits all the time is annoying.† So how can you put together outfits that straddle the not-formal-but-not-casual line? Especially given that each office is so different? And that expectations for how women dress are already so complex? I think this jacket is probably fine for business casual...or is it just regular casual? Why must I use space in my brain for this 5 Business Casual Rules to Live By Before we offer up some concrete outfit suggestions, here are five rules to keep in mind as you think about your business casual outfits. #1: Business Casual 101- No Stains, Rips, or Wrinkles These mostly go without saying, but avoid anything that looks old, dirty, wrinkled, or stained. Don’t wear sheer or revealing clothing or clothes with obvious logos. Many â€Å"guides to business casual dressing† online stop here, which is unfortunate, because I figure this rule is fairly obvious. One tip- if you have an item of clothing, like a pair of slacks from your high school debate days or a sundress in muted colors, that you think could pass as professional but you’re not sure if it looks too worn, ask a friend or family member for their honest opinion. Getting a pair of fresh eyes can help you spot a stain, wrinkle, or discolored spot that you didn’t notice yourself. #2: Work From the Outside In Make sure you have a professional coat/jacket if you’re wearing one, a bag, and a versatile pair of shoes before you put together your base outfits. Why is this necessary? Imagine this scenario. Your new job starts Monday. You need some business casual pieces, so you go shopping Sunday and manage to find a neat pencil skirt, a blouse you don’t hate, and a tasteful pair of stud earrings. You buy them, and Monday morning you get dressed. You feel comfortable, and you look professional without appearing too stiff or formal. Mission accomplished, right? Until you look outside. It’s freezing, so you pull on a pair of tights and grab your weathered down parka that has survived four years of college. You look around for shoes, and correctly veto your sneakers, TOMs, and going-out heels. That leaves a pair of scuffed black ballet flats. Whatever, no one will be looking at your feet, right? And last, you pick up your trusty Fjallraven backpack before heading out the door. You know you’re working in a cubicle, so you figure you can stash it there as soon as you get into the office. Post-commute, you enter your new office, excited to meet your new coworkers. Their first impression? A college kid in a casual coat and worn shoes, still sporting a backpack. True, once you ditch the coat and backpack, they’ll see your professional new outfit, but that doesn’t erase the fact that their first introduction to you was decidedly more casual than you would have wanted. (And you know what they say about second chances and first impressions.) Instead, what if you spent the money you used for the blouse, skirt, and earrings on a new pair of flats, a smart wool overcoat, and a professional briefcase or purse? Even if underneath you had a slightly more casual sweater and slacks combination, your first impression would be much more impactful and professional. Plus, you will be able to use those accessories for multiple work days, getting way more bang for your buck than a single blouse-and-skirt combo could ever provide. What’s the lesson here? Make sure your coat, bag, and shoes- the first and last thing that your coworkers will see you wearing each day, as well as the pieces that you will recycle each day- are professional and career-oriented. Not only will these pieces elevate all your other work outfits, they will ensure that the very first impression you make is a strong one. Here are some suggestions and guidelines for the types of coats, shoes, and bags you should be on the lookout for in your shopping: Coats Appropriate styles for coats include trenches, wool cuts with shape. You should also steer yourself towards neutral colors and longer lengths. A solid neutral colored coat can work with any outfit you put under it. Flickr/Joseph Kranak Shoes It's worth spending a bit more money on shoes. Go for high quality natural materials like leather and suede, simple styles, and comfort in movement. In general, you should avoid open-toe shoes, though if you live in a warmer climate they are more often accepted. Ballet flats, pumps, and classy boots are all good options. Flickr/ Spera Bags It’s time to retire your Jansport! In business casual for women, choose a bag with a more structured shape (like a laptop bag, satchel, or leather tote) rather than a bucket bag or a fabric tote. Again, a neutral color like black, navy, or beige is better than something really eye-catching since you want the bag to blend in and convey maturity. Your bag should be big enough to comfortably carry your laptop/tablet and whatever else you need to bring into the workplace. A clutch or small purse won't cut it! Flickr/ateodolinda #3: The 50% Rule Each outfit you wear should be half business formal. Remember that business formal is essentially a suit (matched pants/skirt and suit jacket) with a crisp shirt or blouse and professional shoes. The easiest application of this is rule is to pair formal bottoms (slacks or a pencil/straight skirt), with a more casual blouse. (We'll talk about slacks in detail in the outfit section. I don't shy away from controversial topics.) Another easy adaptation is adding a blazer over a dress. You can also try a formal, structured top (a blazer and/or a button down) with khakis or maybe jeans (though it depends on the style and your workplace, as we will discuss later). The 50% rule ensures that your outfit has at least one obviously formal piece, but it gives you the freedom to make the other half of the ensemble slightly more casual and fun. #4: Don’t Dress Like Someone Else If you’re uncomfortable with your outfit, it will show. Pick an outfit template that most closely fits your personal style. I tend towards a more bohemian and quirky aesthetic in my casual dress, which I try to translate into business casual outfits that incorporate interesting patterns in tasteful ways. I like wearing skirts and dresses as business casual options because I think the options for pants are all kind of dull. But if you’re a person who is most comfortable wearing just jeans and a t-shirt on any given day, then you shouldn’t feel compelled to wear a dress or skirt. Although your business casual outfits will never feel as comfortable as a casual outfit or loungewear, you should like the way you look and feel in them. The longer you work somewhere, the more you’ll come to understand that workplace’s specific definition of business casual and incorporate more of your personal style. This guide will get you through the first few weeks when you’re still navigating the new office! Dressing exactly the same as someone else is only acceptable if you're both adorable twin babies. #5: Know Your Colors If you’re buying a new set of clothes, make sure you can mix and match all of them. This gives you the most utility for your money and can be a lifesaver if half of your clothes are in the laundry. For example, if you buy one pair of slacks, one skirt, and three blouses, you should be able to pair each blouse with each bottom. Also, build your wardrobe on your formal pieces, not your casual pieces. Buy blouses that match the bottoms, not the other way around, or a dress that matches your blazer. Finally, choose a color palette that suits you. Your most readily available options for work slacks, skirts, and blazers will be neutral shades like black, navy, olive, grey, and khaki. These will be the easiest shades to use for creating a foundation for the rest of your business casual wardrobe. In my opinion, black is the most versatile (and almost always looks chic), but if you strongly prefer any of the other shades, you can choose to use one of them as a base instead. Flickr/Maria Morri No-Fail Business Casual Outfits The goal of this section is to give you three basic, customizable outfits. You can choose your favorite(s) and then look for clothes you have or buy pieces to build the perfect business casual outfit for your first few days of work! Also, remember that our goal here isn’t necessarily for you to look super fashionable. You want to wear clothes that are universally read as professional and put-together but don’t stand out too much. That way if your outfit skews slightly too formal or too casual, you won’t draw undue attention to yourself. Outfit 1: Pants / Blouse In an ideal world, this would be an incredibly easy outfit to put together, since it’s literally just pants and a top. But the devil is in the details! Pants For the pants, think slacks, in a material like wool crepe or a polyester blend that resembles it. You can go for either ankle or full-length. Look for skinnies, straight leg, or a slight flare. Avoid capris, culottes, super wide flares, low-rise super tight skinnies, and leggings. For the first week, avoid jeans, but if you see your coworkers wearing them, you are of course free to adopt them. Stick to darker washes, and avoid looks that are faded, damaged, and distressed. Also avoid jeans with contrast-color stitching (like American Eagle and Levis), since they look more casual. Blouse What about the blouse? You have two types to choose from: #1: Button Downs: Button downs can be a great choice because they’re universally perceived as â€Å"businessy† tops. However, they do have a downside in that for many women, it can be hard to find a button down that doesn’t have some sort of fit issue. Especially if you have a larger chest, button downs that fit perfectly in all areas without being custom tailored are basically unicorns. #2: Non Button Down: The benefits to non-button down shirts include more variety, no contention with gaping buttons, and more comfort overall. The issue on this side of things is that it’s a challenge to find blouses that aren’t too casual, sheer, or loud in their design. Lots of people run into the paradox of choice here because there are many, many options and it can be unclear which are appropriate. Here are some guidelines for the types of blouses you should choose for a business casual outfit: Has sleeves - Some workplaces will allow nice sleeveless blouses, but to be safe you should stick to designs with sleeves until you get confirmation on the policy. Relatively conservative color - Jewel tones and pastels are great, but nothing neon, no super loud prints. Not see-through - If a shirt is sheer, have something to easily layer beneath it that doesn’t look sloppy or bulky. Not too many extra details - In general, you should avoid sheer panels or lace cut-outs. One fun detail like decorative buttons should be okay, but decorative buttons plus a giant bow plus a lace hemline will look a little too garish for the workplace. If it feels boring, you can use accessories to spice things up. Sweaters: Yes or No? If a blazer and slacks or a skirt is the most common business formal outfit for women, some people say that slacks and a sweater is a standard business casual outfit. However, sweaters are tricky because they don’t work in all climates, and they run the risk of looking too casual compared to a tailored blouse. Furthermore, sweaters can show their wear pretty quickly thanks to shrinking or stretching, loose threads, and fading dye. That’s why I'm focusing more on blouses and blazers as opposed to sweaters, but if you really like wearing them, feel free to mix in some cardigans or other classy sweaters! Shoes and Accessories As discussed above, your outside choice- coat, shoes, and bag- are crucial pieces. In addition to these, you might also consider: Subtle jewelry A watch A silk scarf A low-key manicure Here are a few examples of business casual outfits that follow the pants/blouse model: Outfit 2: Skirt/Blouse Your second option is similar to the first, but replaces the pants with a skirt! Skirt When choosing a skirt, you should (at least initially) stick with options that don’t have too many bells and whistles and aren’t too short. A length just above the knee or even longer is ideal if you want to err on the more conservative side of things. The shape of the skirt is also something to consider. If you want to look professional, straight or pencil skirts are safe bets. Most A-line skirts will also work as long as they’re not too puffy. Puffy skirts can have a princess-like look that might seem too casual or immature for certain office environments. Again, neutral colors are smart choices because you’ll be able to pair the skirt with a variety of different blouses, although subtly patterned skirts can also be great options as long as they’re an appropriate length and style. Blouse For advice on choosing blouses, see the discussion in the previous section! Shoes and Accessories Again, you can incorporate some classy accessories into your look if you feel like it’s too plain. A small pop of bright color against a neutral outfit always looks nice, and it’s a way of making things more interesting without undermining the professionalism of the look as a whole. Sticking to just one accessory at first is a smart idea. Here are examples of appropriate skirt/blouse combos (some including nice sweaters as an extra layer): Outfit 3: Dress/Blazer Our final standby outfit is quite different from the others, but offers a bit more playfulness and room to experiment! Dress In choosing a dress for a business casual look, you should be on the lookout for styles with hems that fall just above the knee or lower. Shift and A-line dresses are safe bets as long as they’re an appropriate length and not too flimsy or excessively tight. Avoid sundresses, cocktail dresses, dresses with super loud prints, and dresses with cutouts. Necklines should be high cut rather than a deep V or wide neck. It’s best to assume that sleeveless dresses are off limits as well until you know otherwise. You can still wear one, but be prepared to leave your blazer on over it in the office. Blazer Ah, the blazer- that piece of clothing which seems to universally scream â€Å"business!† Since we’re in the realm of business casual for women, you don’t need to worry about getting a fancy-schmancy, lined, tailored blazer (though you can if you want to). Instead, just focus on finding a fit and color you like. Again, stick to a neutral color. It will match with a variety of outfits and won’t be too much of a distraction in the workplace. Save your hot pink blazer for after you’ve settled in and proven yourself. Also, try on different lengths. Blazers range from waist-length to hip-length to tunic-style. You may decide that one style suits you better than another. As with the other pieces in this guide, lean toward more conservative cuts (i.e. nothing super short or sleeveless) Also, don’t be afraid to bargain-shop. I found a simple black blazer at Forever 21 for probably less than $20 once, and I’ve used it to â€Å"class up† my outfits for years. You don’t have to splurge to look stylish. Although, in general, Forever 21 is probably not the best place to go to find durable professional wear. Shoes and Accessories The shoes you get to match this type of outfit depends on your personal style, but ankle boots, ballet flats, and pumps are all good options. Shoes in neutral colors are your best bet because you can wear them with a variety of different outfits. You might also choose to accessorize with one or two subtle pieces of jewelry that echo the color palette of the rest of your outfit. Here are a few examples of office-appropriate outfits that incorporate dresses and blazers (or cardigans): Adapting Business Casual for Summer and Winter Finding appropriate business casual outfits is made even more difficult if you live in an area with drastic temperature fluctuations from season to season. Here are some tips on how to adapt your business casual for women style so you can stay comfortable throughout these climate changes. How to Dress Business Casual in Summer Summer is especially difficult time to dress for work, since outside temperatures make traditional office staples like long slacks, tights, and long-sleeved shirts uncomfortable. At the same time, many of us have to deal with freezing temperatures inside the office thanks to aggressive air-conditioning. So what can you do to cope with the temperature whiplash? #1: Look for Light, Natural Fabrics Time to start reading clothing labels! When shopping for summer work clothes, go for natural fabrics like cotton and linen instead of polyester or polyester blends, because they’re less breathable. Also make sure to avoid heavier natural fabrics like wool. #2: Check the Sleeveless Policy Be careful about going sleeveless unless other coworkers do it! If it’s your first week in a new office, don’t assume it’s acceptable, but if you’ve worked there for a while and you know it won’t be objectionable, sleeveless dresses and blouses are a great way to stay cool. If you do go sleeveless, make sure you still follow all the basic business casual rules- no sheer fabrics, relatively conservative colors- and avoid anything strapless. #3: Ditch the Tights/Pantyhose You can definitely skip tights and pantyhose in the summer (unless you happen to work in a very traditional office), but keep your skirt and dress lengths conservative. Just above the knee or lower is fine, but avoid anything that veers into mini-skirt or mini-dress territory for work. #4: Investigate Sandal Options Thick leather loafers or closed-toe heels that were comfortable in cold weather might not be your favorite choice for summer. Scout out what other women in your office are wearing (are open-toed shoes ok based on what you see?). Summer friendly options include: Canvas slip-ons (even toms, depending on the office) Espiradilles Sandals in neutral colors Make sure to avoid shoes that look too casual, including flip flops and sneakers. #5: Bring Some Layers! Like we mentioned earlier, your office AC might make you cold during the day despite an uncomfortably warm commute. It’s smart to have a cardigan or blazer on hand that you can slip on if things get too chilly. If you pick one in a neutral shade like black, grey, or navy that matches all your work outfits, you only have to worry about having one! Just make sure to avoid any layers that look too casual, like hoodies or denim jackets. Or Snuggies. How to Dress Business Casual in Winter On the flip side, it can be difficult to deal with colder temperatures in winter, not to mention slogging through rain and/or snow to get to work. The good news is that more traditional office wear- pants, blazers, tights or pantyhose, wool materials- tend to keep you warmer than casual clothes. The challenge is shoring up your outfits with additional layers to keep you warm, investing in durable shoes, and finding warm but professional coats. If You Drive... Since you don’t have to cope with slogging through ice and snow, you might be able to get away with skipping winter boots and a parka. That said, if it’s freezing, no one will judge you for wearing a parka into the office or arriving in your snow boots as long as you slip into more office-appropriate footwear once you're inside. If You Commute/Walk... Definitely wear all the layers of clothes and shoes you need to get to work safely and warmly- parka, snow boots, scarf, mittens, etc. You can keep a pair of dress shoes at the office to change into when you get there. Consider wearing tights or long underwear under your work clothes, including your slacks, to help keep warm. You can even double up on tights for extra insulation! Where to Shop for Business Casual Outfits for Women So where do you go to find all this stuff? There’s a ton of options out there. I’ll categorize some of the best places to look for business casual clothes for women by price range so you can make smart decisions about where to begin your shopping. Lowest price point Target Old Navy HM Nordstrom Rack T. J. Maxx Macy's Kohl's JCPenney Dressbarn Medium price point The Gap Express The Limited Ann Taylor Modcloth Banana Republic Dillard's Nordstrom Talbots ASOS Zara Topshop UNIQLO j. jill High price point Anthropologie Calvin Klein Nordstrom J. Crew (suiting collection) Joie Boden Brooks Brothers Club Monaco Moving Forward: How to Take Style Cues from Your Office As you settle into your new office, you can start to tailor (heh) your wardrobe to fit the company culture rather than sticking with generic business casual looks. Here are a few tips on how to use your observations in the office to inform subtle outfit updates that will make a positive impact on the image you present at work. #1: Observe How Management/High-Performers Dress You know the old saying â€Å"dress for the job you want, not the job you have?† It’s actually good advice. You don’t want your work outfits to be just formal enough that they’re barely considered appropriate. You want build an overall professional, competent image for yourself. One tip in that regard is to pay particular attention to how managers and/or high-performers at your job present themselves. If you dress similarly, you're likely to be seen as one of the more focused, driven members of the team as well. #2: Don’t Completely Copy Outfits- Create Your Own Spin-Offs On the flip side, you shouldn’t carbon-copy someone else’s style, especially if it’s quite different from what you normally wear! It’s awkward, and it might suggest that you lack your own creativity or gusto. Look at how other people dress, and think about how you can create your own variations on their outfits that aligns with your personal style. #3: Pay Attention to Weekly Patterns Do people dress down on Friday? Are there specific events where people are dressed more formally (important meetings etc), or does everyone maintain the same level of formality all week? By paying attention to these cues, you’ll ensure that your outfits never look too formal or too casual. #4: Determine If Day-to-Night Transferability Is Important Some offices require you to attend work dinners or events where you're expected to dress more formally, while others focus solely on dressing for the 9-5. When in doubt, stray towards more formal looks! #5: Don’t Try to Pioneer New Office Fashion Trends (Unless You Work in a Creative Field) Even if there’s an event like a company party or dinner or fundraiser, and you’re not sure how to dress for it, you should lean toward more formal and business-y looks rather than either casual or overly dressy. It’s probably not the best time to break out your new pink faux fur jacket and light up sneakers or your full-length ball gown. I do love this jacket though. (Flickr/kelly) Business Casual for Women: Key Tips and Reliable Styles Business casual dress codes are extremely common in office environments, but it can be hard to sort out what's appropriate when you have so many different styles to choose from. Here's a quick recap of the guidelines established in this article. First, the five rules to live by when dressing for a business casual workplace: #1: No clothes with stains, rips, or wrinkles#2: Dress from the outside in (start with staple pieces like shoes, coats, and bags)#3: Follow the 50% rule- half of your outfit should be formal pieces#4: Don't dress too far out of your comfort zone#5: Start with a neutral color foundation (navy, khaki, olive green, black, or grey) Three outfit combinations that, given certain style constraints, will always be appropriate include: #1: Pants with a blouse#2: A skirt with a blouse#3: A dress with a blazer As you get more comfortable in your new office, you can adapt the rules to fit with the specific policies put in place by your company. Over time, you'll be able to personalize your business casual looks to match more with your personal style in casual dress.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Body Under the Bed - Urban Legends

The Body Under the Bed - Urban Legends Heres an example of the scary urban legend known as The Body Under the Bed as shared by a reader: A man and woman went to Las Vegas for their honeymoon, and checked into a suite at a hotel. When they got to their room they both detected a bad odor. The husband called down to the front desk and asked to speak to the manager. He explained that the room smelled very bad and they would like another suite. The manager apologized and told the man that they were all booked because of a convention. He offered to send them to a restaurant of their choice for lunch compliments of the hotel and said he was going to send a maid up to their room to clean and to try and get rid of the odor. After a nice lunch, the couple went back to their room. When they walked in they could both still smell the same odor. Again the husband called the front desk and told the manager that the room still smelled really bad. The manager told the man that they would try and find a suite at another hotel. He called every hotel on the strip, but every hotel was sold out because of the convention. The manager told the couple that they couldnt find them a room anywhere, but they would try and clean the room again. The couple wanted to see the sights and do a little gambling anyway, so they said they would give them two hours to clean and then they would be back. When the couple had left, the manager and all of housekeeping went to the room to try and find what was making the room smell so bad. They searched the entire room and found nothing, so the maids changed the sheets, changed the towels, took down the curtains and put new ones up, cleaned the carpet and cleaned the suite again using the strongest cleaning products they had. The couple came back two hours later to find the room still had a bad odor. The husband was so angry at this point, he decided to find whatever this smell was himself. So he started tearing the entire suite apart himself. As he pulled the top mattress off the box spring he found a dead body of a woman. Analysis All it takes is one dead body under the mattress to spoil your whole honeymoon. Befitting its Sin City reputation, Las Vegas has been the setting of some horrific urban legends (see The Kidney Snatchers if you dont know what I mean). What sets The Body in the Bed apart from the rest is how frequently incidents resembling the one described above have actually happened in real life - just never, to my knowledge, in Las Vegas! The closest encounter between fact and legend Ive been able to document took place in Atlantic City (another gambling mecca, naturally) in 1999. This account comes from the Bergen Record: The body of Saul Hernandez, 64, of Manhattan was found in Room 112 of the Burgundy Motor Inn after two German tourists slept overnight in the bed despite a rancid smell that prompted them to complain to the front desk.The couple told motel officials about the smell Wednesday night but stayed in the $36-a-night room anyway. On Thursday, they complained again and were given a new room while a motel housekeeper cleaned Room 112. In July 2003, a cleaning crew discovered a dead body stuffed under the mattress in a room at the Capri Motel in Kansas City, Missouri. This report was filed by KMBC-TV News: Police said that the man appeared to have been dead for some time, but the body went unnoticed until a guest staying the room could no longer tolerate the smell. Officers were called to the Capri Motel in the 1400 block of Independence Avenue around noon Sunday after cleaning crews made the grisly discovery.KMBCs Emily Aylward reported that the man who checked into the motel room a few days ago complained to management about the odor two times over the three days. He then checked out on Sunday because he could not tolerate the smell. In March 2010, Memphis police responded to a call from a local motel where employees had noticed a foul odor in one of the rooms. According to ABC Eyewitness News: On March 15th, investigators were called back to room 222 at the Budget Inn, where the body of Sony Millbrook was found under the bed. Police say she was found inside the metal box frame that sits directly on the floor after someone reported smelling a strange odor. The box springs and mattress fit into the top of the bed frame. Room 222, according to investigators, had been rented 5 times and cleaned many times by the hotel staff since the day Millbrook was reported missing.Homicide investigators say Millbrook appears to have been murdered. Theres more than one moral to these stories, to be sure, but the most disturbing of all is that urban legends do sometimes come true.​ Further reading: Isle Mainland Traveler Shared Room with Corpse. Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1 August 1996.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Creative Ventures and Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Creative Ventures and Enterprise - Essay Example This report is about my aims and aspiration as a product designer to understand all the areas of this industry including creativity, business and administration. My basic areas of interests are in product designing along with branding and merchandising. This will make me a part of the creative industry. The focus of this paper will be on product designing with particular reference consumer cultures in Taiwan, Russia, US and the UK. All other areas related to the creative industry will also be covered. It is my intention to work in Taiwan in a government department and initial steps in the form of a scholarship has already been applied for. Scope: The main scope of this paper is to study all aspects of the creative industry with specific focus on product design in Taiwan. After completion of this work it is hoped that I will get sufficient information to get me started on my intended career as a product designer. Creative Industry: Creative industry can be defined as "those industries that are based on individual creativity, skill and talent. They are also those that have the potential to create wealth and jobs through developing intellectual property." (Creative Industries: The Definition of the Creative Industries. 2007). From this it is clear that creativity, skill and talent that can create wealth and jobs is what differentiates it from other areas of business. Since creativity is involved, the question of intellectual property rights is also raised here. Creativity is a very broad term and hence what constitute a creative industry also varies. For example, the Department of Culture, Media and Sport of the UK Government groups creative industries under predetermined areas of business. In other words, advertising, designing, film making, performing arts, publishing, software etc are considered to be a part of creative industries. The UK was the first country in the world to recognise the e xistence of such industries and classify them as such. "The UK was the first, in 1997, to systematically promote the creative industries. Australia and New Zealand followed shortly afterwards." (Creative Industries in Hong Kong: Introduction. 2002). Growth of Creative Industries: This industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. All areas that are considered to be creative had existed long before the concept of creative industries came into existence. But the potential of each of these sectors taken separately gave rise to classify them as creative and efforts for growth as a collective entity has now begun. The United Nations is also looking at this industry seriously as a means of economic development of under developed and developing countries. Being such a vast area, exact current figures are difficult to estimate. But according to UNCTAD, total value of creative industries world wide stood at 225 billion USD in 2005 fro 234 billion USD in 1996. This is an average growth of 8.7% making it one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. "Creative industries have emerged as one of the world's most dynamic economic sectors, offering vast opportunities for cultural, social and economic development. Internationa l trade in creative goods and services surged to US$445.2 billion in 2005 from US$234.8 billion in 1996, according to preliminary UNCTAD figures." (Creative Industries Emerge as Key Driver of Economic Growth with Trade Nearly

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reflection Paper on The Global Idea of the Commons by Nonini Donald Essay - 1

Reflection Paper on The Global Idea of the Commons by Nonini Donald - Essay Example Despite all the differences in terms of cultural and religious beliefs, the early colonists made a wise decision to band together no matter what, against the threat of Indian raids and harsh winters. They had decided to help each other for the common good of everyone on the new colonies. Inherent in the concept of interdependency is the idea that all kinds of resources are to be taken cared of, that good stewardship of these resources should be undertaken for young or succeeding generations to likewise benefit from. This applies to material resources in early human history, such as forest lands and the resources found within it, clean and safe drinking water from rivers and lakes for human use and agricultural applications, the mineral resources that can be extracted from beneath the ground and all types of flora and fauna. The idea is that each resource should be maximized and given enough time, to replenish itself such that it can be used again and again without threat of depletion; example of this is fishing. People are also aware of the need to conserve non-renewable resources like oil so everyone can benefit. The availability of common-pool resources have existed since time immemorial but this has been threatened since the Industrial Revolution came about and the rise of capitalism, in which greed and individualism became paramount. Previously, people had devised ways or means by which to manage these resource through social or institutional arrangements for the long-term benefit of everybody without necessarily depleting these resources and thereby can manage to avoid the so-called â€Å"tragedy of the commons† by unfettered competition. This was done mainly through their cultural, social and maybe even religious practices by which most natural resources are only held in trust, as stewards, for the next generations to come. This is proven even in the marginal ecological zones over

How the battle of Gettysburg changed the Civil war Thesis

How the battle of Gettysburg changed the Civil war - Thesis Example It was the strategic turning point of the war. Several years of war before the battle of Gettysburg were a time of military success and economic collapse of the blockaded South. The Federals suffered defeats, but retained their economic and political advantages. Military defeats, in no small measure, were due to failures of command authorities. â€Å"Generals-politicians† were much better in intricacies of a political struggle than in the art of war in battlefields. President Abraham Lincoln had to change and shuffle his â€Å"brave Generals† periodically. As far as the warfare proceeded, a new galaxy of generals made mark; generals able to withstand the brilliant Southerners, such as General R. Lee and Gen. T. Jackson. Lee’s Gettysburg campaign had to thwart the Federal army plans for the summer, ease the pressure on the besieged Vicksburg, take away the burden of the army munitioning from Virginia, and, which is the most important, to threaten Washington to per suade it to peace negotiations. Repulse of the Southerners’ attacks at Gettysburg and defeat of the invincible Lee, are considered as the watershed in the war, but this statement is true only if the battle of Gettysburg is viewed together with the capture of Vicksburg, which occurred on the same day in the Western theater of operations.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Duty of Partner to Give Accounts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Duty of Partner to Give Accounts - Essay Example In the context of the partnership agreement, the roles, responsibilities, and liabilities of partners need to be discussed. According to Sec 9 of the Partnership Act of 1963, it states that except for an incorporated limited partnership, a partner of a particular firm is considered as the agent of the firm along with the other partners present in the firm, for the reason of the business of the firm1. It also, declares that apart from an, incorporated limited partnership, an act carried out by a partner of a firm, for the reason of cont,inning in the customary method business of the type continued by the firm, connects that particular firm and remaining of the partners in the particular firm unless the partner who conducts the act has no right to act in any way for the particular firm in the specific matter and the person involved in the dealings with that particular partner either is well aware that the person is not authorized or is unknown about the factor does not consider the par ticular partner to be the firm’s partner4. According to Sec 10 of the Partnership Act of 1963 it states that a certain act or any particular instrument in relation to the nature of business of the firm apart from an incorporated limited partnership is obligatory on all the existing partners of the particular firm and also on the firm too if it is carried out by any person who has the authorization to conduct such an actor perform the instrument irrespective of the fact that whether the person is a partner of the firm or not, in firm’s name or in any such way or intention where it involves the firm4. The liability of a partner according to Sec 13 of the Partnership Act of 1963 declares that every individual partner of any particular firm except for an incorporated limited supported partnership is equally accountable along with the other partners for the duties and legal responsibilities of that particular firm which was obtained when the particular person was still an e xisting partner as per the partnership agreement which proves it to be legal and also in case of the partner is an individual, after the demise of that partner the assets of the deceased partner would be liable in the course of management for the liabilities and obligations of that firm which was acquired while the already dead partner was still a partner that stays discontented, but subject to the previous payment of the individual debts of the deceased partner4. The most important duty of a partner that needs to be mentioned in relation to this case is according to Sec 33 (1) A particular partner of a firm apart from an incorporated limited partnership is responsible for giving accurate accounts and complete information regarding all the things that might affect the firm to the other partners or partner or to the legal personal spokesperson of the other partner4.

Robert Mapplethorpe Biography and his association to Photography Research Paper

Robert Mapplethorpe Biography and his association to Photography - Research Paper Example In 1973, the Light Gallery in New York City mounted his first solo gallery exhibition, "Polaroids." Later, he acquired a Hasselblad 2 ? inch medium-format camera which he used to shoot his circle of friends and acquaintances including artists, musicians, socialites, pornographic film stars, and members of the S & M underground movements he was associated with (Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, par.3). To produce sleeky, ravishing effects and gleaming surfaces, Mapplethorpe used traditional techniques of direct lightning and sharp focus. During the early seventies, Mapplethorpe’s desire to expand the technical and aesthetic boundaries of traditional photography made him use different printing materials and surfaces and unconventional forms of matting, framing, and glazing. He would also attempt to manipulate the photographic reproduction process in his Model Parade. â€Å"In this work, Mapplethorpe applied a synthetic emulsion to two pages from a male physique magazine in order to lift the image and its color. He then transferred the dried emulsion onto the canvas, adding color and stretching and distorting the image as he arranged it† (Marshall, par.3). In 1987, in his series of platinum prints on linen, he would use this process again in making a painting on canvas from a printed photograph. Mapplethorpe became controversial when he documented in his work New York's gay community in the late 1970s. His photographs explicitly depicted sexual organs and bondage equipment. His subjects also included homoerotic and sadomasochistic images which are often glamorized and disturbing. However according to Levinson, â€Å"Mapplethorpe's art always revealed the humanity and emotions of his subjects behind their leather, spikes, and chains† (Levinson, par.4). Some sectors of society viewed his works as pornographic. Likewise, Morrisoe, who was able to interview Mapplethorpe several times, even one month prior to his death, said that â€Å"Mapplethorpe painted himself as a creature of the night – ‘a sex demon’ – who had no control over his voracious appetite† (Morrisoe, xv). In the 80s, Mapplethorpe produced several images that either challenge or adhere to classical aesthetic standards. He photographed stylized compositions of male and female nudes, flower still lifes, and studio portraits of artists and celebrities. He introduced and refined different techniques and formats, including color 20" x 24" Polaroids, photogravures, platinum prints on paper and linen, Cibachrome and dye transfer color prints (Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, par.5). . Calla lilies and orchids are the favorite flower subjects of Mapplethorpe. His flowers are as carefully positioned to display a raw sexuality even more powerful than that of his nudes (Mapplethorne and Ashbery, 1996). â€Å"His treatment of the male and female aspects of the calla lily is most striking, one photograph emphasizing the flower's phallic stame n, another emphasizing its feminine curves† (Levinson, par.15). Even the size and vibrant colors of the prints of his flower photographs exudes sensuality. One of his favorite human subjects was Patti Smith, a poet and a singer and a close friend with whom she lived with from 1967 to 1974. His portraits of Smith captured her loneliness, independence, sensitivity and wildness (Levinson, par.20). In addition, it was revealed that Mapplethorpe’s earliest and most frequent subject was himself â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Interest Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interest Group - Essay Example n the media and popular culture, PETA has contributed directly and indirectly to the enactment of more comprehensive legislations concerned with animal rights. It has also played a central role – directly or indirectly – in the amendment of existing animal rights laws to create better, more holistic legislations that suit the animal rights agenda. The organization was formed in 1980 and has always been dedicated to protecting animals from abuse and suffering, especially at the hands of humans. PETA’s slogan is based on the notion that â€Å"animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment† (Singer 41). This message features prominently in the organization’s website, merchandise, and marketing material (Del Mar 26). The group trains members of the public and policymakers on animal abuse and advocates humane treatment of animals. Its headquarters are in Norfolk, Virginia, but it has international divisions to further its cause abroad. The organization believes that just like humans, animals have rights, and their best interests should always be considered, irrespective of their value to humans. Animals also experience pain and suffering and thrive when they are left to lead their lives in the way that fits their nature and environments. All of PETA’s activities are guided by the belief that all human and nonhuman beings have a right to be free from all forms of harm. According to the group’s mission statement, animal cruelty is one of the problems plaguing the world, and that deserves sufficient attention. The organization believes that everybody has a responsibility to prevent and oppose animal abuse at every opportunity (Singer 34). For 35 years, PETA has worked to create a global society in which people contemplate the needs of, according to Henry Beston, â€Å"the other nations† (Singer 57). In this regard, the group considers itself to be a protector of the rights of individual animals; this informs its belief that animals

Robert Mapplethorpe Biography and his association to Photography Research Paper

Robert Mapplethorpe Biography and his association to Photography - Research Paper Example In 1973, the Light Gallery in New York City mounted his first solo gallery exhibition, "Polaroids." Later, he acquired a Hasselblad 2 ? inch medium-format camera which he used to shoot his circle of friends and acquaintances including artists, musicians, socialites, pornographic film stars, and members of the S & M underground movements he was associated with (Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, par.3). To produce sleeky, ravishing effects and gleaming surfaces, Mapplethorpe used traditional techniques of direct lightning and sharp focus. During the early seventies, Mapplethorpe’s desire to expand the technical and aesthetic boundaries of traditional photography made him use different printing materials and surfaces and unconventional forms of matting, framing, and glazing. He would also attempt to manipulate the photographic reproduction process in his Model Parade. â€Å"In this work, Mapplethorpe applied a synthetic emulsion to two pages from a male physique magazine in order to lift the image and its color. He then transferred the dried emulsion onto the canvas, adding color and stretching and distorting the image as he arranged it† (Marshall, par.3). In 1987, in his series of platinum prints on linen, he would use this process again in making a painting on canvas from a printed photograph. Mapplethorpe became controversial when he documented in his work New York's gay community in the late 1970s. His photographs explicitly depicted sexual organs and bondage equipment. His subjects also included homoerotic and sadomasochistic images which are often glamorized and disturbing. However according to Levinson, â€Å"Mapplethorpe's art always revealed the humanity and emotions of his subjects behind their leather, spikes, and chains† (Levinson, par.4). Some sectors of society viewed his works as pornographic. Likewise, Morrisoe, who was able to interview Mapplethorpe several times, even one month prior to his death, said that â€Å"Mapplethorpe painted himself as a creature of the night – ‘a sex demon’ – who had no control over his voracious appetite† (Morrisoe, xv). In the 80s, Mapplethorpe produced several images that either challenge or adhere to classical aesthetic standards. He photographed stylized compositions of male and female nudes, flower still lifes, and studio portraits of artists and celebrities. He introduced and refined different techniques and formats, including color 20" x 24" Polaroids, photogravures, platinum prints on paper and linen, Cibachrome and dye transfer color prints (Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, par.5). . Calla lilies and orchids are the favorite flower subjects of Mapplethorpe. His flowers are as carefully positioned to display a raw sexuality even more powerful than that of his nudes (Mapplethorne and Ashbery, 1996). â€Å"His treatment of the male and female aspects of the calla lily is most striking, one photograph emphasizing the flower's phallic stame n, another emphasizing its feminine curves† (Levinson, par.15). Even the size and vibrant colors of the prints of his flower photographs exudes sensuality. One of his favorite human subjects was Patti Smith, a poet and a singer and a close friend with whom she lived with from 1967 to 1974. His portraits of Smith captured her loneliness, independence, sensitivity and wildness (Levinson, par.20). In addition, it was revealed that Mapplethorpe’s earliest and most frequent subject was himself â€Å"